Sunday, January 17, 2016

How important is grammar really?

By: Markus Skårnes

Grammar is a very important part of learning a language in my opinion. In some cases, lack of grammatical knowledge will hinder the ability to communicate what one really means. Grammar provides structure and rules to the words we use to communicate. Without this structure, the language would be quite weakened. However, due to its often difficult nature, grammar can sometimes demotivate language learners from learning a new language. This is why it is important to teach grammar in a way that can be motivating, engaging and hopefully even fun.

In my practice group we used song lyrics as part of an activity to practice nouns. Firstly, we introduced or revised the concept of nouns to make sure everybody understood. Secondly, we handed out sheets with song lyrics on them. While the pupils were listening to the song, they had the task of underlining the nouns in the lyric.
Lastly we had them tell us what nouns they found and then the plural form of those nouns if they were singular and the singular form if they were plural.
This way of teaching seemed quite motivating for the pupils. Anything where you can include something pupils like into grammar learning works well to make them actually pay attention.
When teaching grammar I sometimes found that I didn't feel too secure in my knowledge of it. This in spite of feeling like I have a good grasp of the English language overall. There was especially one case in which I wondered about the proper plural form of person. I did manage to explain it after a bit of research, but it is interesting to me that I was not able to come up with a proper explanation despite feeling like I was able to use the words correctly myself.


  1. I think it is great that you manage to use songs in teaching grammar, the pupils probably enjoyed that, especially if they get to choose the song.

    Helene Lundberg

  2. Great plan of using songs in teaching grammar, I bet it's effective!

  3. Yes, songs, poems, or any other short texts that can arouse pupils´ attention and interest can be great materials for teaching grammar. Very nice point about having competence in English and teaching it is a different story. You may know the grammar of English pretty well but trying to explaining it requires different pedagogical skills and some experience. But most important of all, if you want to be able to teach grammar more efficiently, the first step is to become an expert on the grammar itself (to have sufficient/necessary knowledge on subject-matters), so hope you will achieve that first step this semester. :)
