Sunday, January 17, 2016

Teaching grammar

By: Maja Berntsen

A lot of students cringe when the word ”grammar” is mentioned in class because they know what is coming. Endless rules for when to use ”is” and ”are”, lists of glossaries that needs to be read at least a thousand times before they stick to the brain and not to forget the huge bible of grammar, how do you even find a single word in the beast that is also known as Oxford dictionary?

Yes, grammar can be super boring and seem meaningless at times, but without it it is impossible to become fluent in English both on paper and when communicating face to face. Grammar is the backbone for learning English and yes, we need to learn it to a certain extent. I do think that the pupils understand the importance of grammar, but they find it hard and complicated.

Grammar does not have to be super hard and complicated. The reason why pupils often find it that way might be because their teachers have made it hard and complicated. It is the teachers job to make it less boring and change the pupils’ attitudes towards grammar. You could probably walk in to any 7th grade on a Wednesday and find the same type of grammar tasks being used. When the teachers are making grammar hard for the students, they will not understand it which makes the pupils think it is boring. It is boring because the teachers make it too hard.

Therefore, there should be more focus on how teachers can make grammar fun and how to get the pupils to see the importance of it. Drop the old traditional ways of teaching it, try new ways and most importantly, keep it positive! The pupils will find grammar boring and hard if you as a teacher give the impression that grammar is boring and hard.

I always hated grammar in primary school because I could not get my head around it. After I started watching series and reading books in English, I suddenly mastered grammar which was a huge step for me, because suddenly English was fun and it soon became my favourite subject.

Because of this personal experience, I think that there is a lot of pupils who will benefit from learning grammar unconsciously in addition to learning it the traditional way. Obviously, it is impossible to find a way that works for everyone, but having more than one way to teach grammar will always reach out to more pupils.


  1. great post Maja! You make some really good points. - Runa

  2. Very good point about the role of teachers to make learning grammar "an interesting/fun experience" for pupils. I also agree that it is important to make them understand the importance of learning grammar and give them the purpose of every grammar lesson. If they do not understand the purpose and benefit of learning grammar, they may easily lose the interest. Very good point about improving your grammatical knowledge through extensive reading and listening/watching series in English but you also need to provide pupils with explicit grammar teaching. (Hope this is what you meant to express?) If I add something more to your point, research has shown that extensive reading/listening may help improve vocabulary and comprehension of the text but we still need to provide explicit instruction of grammar in order to improve accuracy in pupils´ oral/written production.

  3. By the way, have you forgotten to write about the second task?
