Sunday, January 17, 2016

The importance of grammar

By Helene Lundberg
When you learn a new language, I think it is essential to learn grammar for that language. I think grammar is a very important part of learning a 2nd language, in my opinion it is crucial to understand how to use the language you are trying to learn. English is a language with many rules for grammar, at the same time it has exceptions to these rules. To be able to communicate and make yourself understood, you should understand how to use the English grammar. With several exceptions to the rules, it can be easy for people who are not very familiar with the grammar to conjugate or mix words so that the meaning of what you are trying to express change. You can of course make yourself understood without knowing grammar, but it is easier to be misunderstood. If you use correct grammar, you will sound more professional and make a good impression, especially if you are trying to apply for something abroad. Therefore, in conclusion, I think grammar is a very important part of understanding English and to make yourself understood.

I have not taught or observed a grammar lesson, but I find grammar exciting, and I hope I can share some enthusiasm with future pupils. I always enjoyed when the class got to participate in something called “Adjective-story”. The teacher writes down a story and leave out blank spots where the adjectives are supposed to be, the teacher ask each pupil for an adjective, without the pupils knowing the context. After the class has learned what adjectives are and how to conjugate them, this story can be a fun way to finish the class. The teacher could for example write a story about three horses, and when getting an adjective, the teacher could ask the class to conjugate it. For example, “The first horse was happy, the second was happier and the third was happiest.” or “The first horse was green, the second was more green and the third was most green.” The story continues, and it becomes funnier as the adjectives makes no sense to the context. The pupils will learn and hopefully remember what adjectives are. 


  1. Well written!

  2. Fun way to practice adjective conjugation. :) Is this something you have experienced in school? Nicely written regarding the importance of teaching/learning grammar but it is rather unclear why you are making a point about exceptions to the grammatical rules of English? Are exceptions something we need to put an emphasis on when we teach grammar, or is it enough just to teach basic rules of English? When you make a statement, it´s always important to think about the relevance of that statement to the main point you are making and make sure every statement is made crystal-clear to your readers. :)
