Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Grammar-to-Go Evaluation by Eskil

Teaching Equipment
Introduction and loud reading of the poem.
Write the goal of the period on the white-board.
Introduction: Ask them what they know about poems. Read the poem “What is Sweeter?”. Tell them what the poem is about, and that it is a comparative poem. State that the poem may contain some difficult words.
The pupils are instructed to try to translate the poem in pairs.
To Activate the schema
10 min

Go over nouns and adjectives
Talk about nouns and ask the pupils if they could find the nouns in the poem. Introduce the assignment, volunteer pupils will come to the board and circle some nouns so that the rest of the class understand the assignment.
To remind them of previous knowledge of poems and word-classes.

15 min
Work with the assignment
The pupils will connect the rhymes, circle the adjectives and nouns in the poem «What is Sweeter?». They will then fill in adjectives in the poem “Monsters” (Creative work)
Helps the pupils to become better at identifying the various word-classes and to remember the different parts of poems.

5 min
Use exit notes where the students will write down 5 adjectives on the note and hand it to us on their way out the door.
-          Everyone wearing something blue can go home.
-          Everyone with long hair can go home.
To see if the pupils accomplished the goal, which was to know at least 5 different English adjectives.
Post-it notes
Grade: 5th
Number of Students: 25
Time: 45min

Prepared messages (in Norwegian):
-          Her kommer en beskjed:
-          No skal dokker hviske med sidemannen og prøve å oversette det diktet som står på tavla.
-          Når æ sir vær så god, så skal dokker ta frem en rød og en grønn blyant, dem som ikke har rekk opp ei hand. Vær så god.
-          Når æ sir vær så god, så skal alle pakke bort bøkene og kun ha skrivesaker på pulten. Dette skal dere klare på ett minutt. Etter dokker har gjort det kommer det en ny beskjed. Vær så god.
-          No når jeg er ferdig å snakke, skal Karita og Eskil dele ut exit-notes. På de lappene skal dere skrive 5 adjektiv som dere gir til meg når jeg lar dere gå.
-          Når du er ferdig, pakker du helt sammen og stiller deg bak stolen.


Formuler og begrunn undervisningsopplegget for økta med utgangspunkt i K06, slik at det er tydelig hva elevene skal lære, og at læringsmålene er formulert i et språk som elevene kan forstå.
-          Kunne minst 5 engelske adjektiv
-          Kunne identifisere adjektiv og substantiv
-          Finne og identifisere rim

Beskriv tilgjengelige rammefaktorer (ressurser og muligheter) for undervisningen i form av lærestoff, materiell og utstyr, tidsramme, læringsarena, antall elever per lærer, assistenter, ordensregler og rutiner.
-          Lærestoffet består av diktet «What is sweeter»  
-          Vi har 45 minutter å disponere, med
-          Klasserommet
-          Alle studenter har sin egen del av undervisningen.
-          Elevene hilser på lærer ved oppstart av timen og stiller seg bak hver sin stol til det er rolig og læreren gir tillatelse til å sitte.

Beskriv elevgruppen slik du ser og forstår den.
-          Dersom undervisningen er lagt opp med oppgaver eller tema som interesserer dem, er de rolige og flink til å jobbe, men enkelte kan skape mye uro. Stor variasjon i gruppen mellom arbeidshastighet og arbeidsvilje.
-          Enkelte elever med autisme, dysleksi og ADHD.
-          Elevene har tidligere år lært om adjektiv og jobbet med substantiv og verb i løpet av den siste måneden.

Innhold og arbeidsmåter (læreprosess)
Beskriv hva elevene skal oppleve, erfare og gjøre, arbeidsmåter elevene skal bruke og hva lærerens oppgaver skal være.
-Diktet «What is Sweeter?»
-Monsters oppgave ark
-Stille arbeid

Fokus 1. studieår:
Beskriv tegn (noe du kan observere) hos elevene som kan vise at målene for undervisninga er nådd.
-          At elevene kan forklare hva adjektiv er
-          Kunne nevne minst 5 engelske adjektiv



Diktet: «What is Sweeter?»

Honey is sweeter than sugar,
Coffee is stronger than tea,
Juice is better than water,
You can’t be smarter than me.
A peach is sweeter than a cake,
A sea is deeper than a lake,
A boy is noisier than a bee,
A girl is shorter than a tree.
Peaches are softer than apples,
Carrots are better than rice,
Oranges are bigger than lemon,
Nothing is colder than ice.

            My role in this teaching scheme was to introduce and translate the poem for the class, and to go over any difficult words. The teaching scheme was set-up so that we in the next class could move from identifying word-classes to pronunciation of the poem.

            My experience with Grammar-to-Go is combination of I probably won’t use it again and it looks great. I found that I didn’t fully understand the project and thus I (my group included) had a difficult time planning for it. It sounds good in theory, but my experience was that it did more damage than good. We were instructed to not use grammatical terminology, however, for 5th graders, I believe that it is more effective to use grammatical terminology. Grammar-to-Go lives under the false notion that all pupils hate to learn grammar. I found it to be quite the opposite. The pupils loved that there are rules that govern almost the entirety of the language. It makes sense to them. Therefore, by not using terminology that they are more-or-less familiar with, we confuse them by acting like this is not grammar we’re learning, but a poem. There are of course many improvements we could have done to our teaching scheme, but none that would fit within our time-schedule, therefore we decided to extend the project to the next English session as well, so that we could include the things that we couldn’t have in the first session. The second session went a lot better, since there were fewer assignments and more talking and pronunciation, though I still don’t feel like masquerading it as something else than a grammar lesson is beneficial to the pupils. Overall, I feel like Grammar-to-Go is not suited for younger ages such as 5th grade, because I feel like they haven’t grown to dislike grammar lessons yet. It might be better suited for older pupils who resent grammar, but since I have limited experience with the project, I wouldn’t know.

1 comment:

  1. Valid point about a presumably false generalization that grammar is perceived as something dull and boring for most language learners, and you are absolutely right that using grammatical terminology all depends on the level of pupils and basic grammatical terms that all pupils understand can definitely be used in class. I should point out, however, that the "grammar-to-go" method was not built on the assumption that everyone hates grammar, but on the ground that teaching grammar in an isolated context does not lead to acquisition of the language (i.e., an ability to use the grammatical features correctly in natural/spontaneous speech). The traditional way of teaching grammar has been argued to be useless by some researchers since learners still make mistakes even after intensive grammar instruction. The real problem with this method, as I see it, is that one cannot go too deep into the grammar subject but the method allows us to deal with grammar only on the surface level, so I agree with you that having a separate grammar session which allows pupils to work with grammar features more extensively might be needed to some extent. By the way, you should not start your text (or blog) with tables without describing what they present. You should always start with some introduction to let readers know what your text is about. Your evaluation/reflection of the teaching scheme is well presented, but you should have described your teaching scheme in full text (in English) instead of giving tables (even though one can clearly see what you have done for your lesson). This assignment is also supposed to be a multi-modal text with other ways of presenting information (such as pictures, audios, videos, etc.) other than texts.
