Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Teaching with Grammar To Go

By Marikken Riis

I have made a video, showing how I conducted the "Grammar to go" method into an English class in 7th grade. The video also contains my reflections on teaching with this method.

 I recommend watching the video in full screen and in 1080HD

1 comment:

  1. Very impressive video-presentation of your teaching scheme! Yes, as we have discussed, the point of "grammar-to-go" method is not about including as many grammatical aspects as possible, but to teach grammar in a more meaningful context regardless of how many grammatical aspects you can cover in one lesson. It´s usually better to keep to one or two grammatical points to make sure the objectives for the grammar part are successfully fulfilled and the pupils do not get confused with too many grammar points to remember. Glad to know that this teaching scheme was a great experience also to learn you need to have a plan B and C in case things go wrong, but I think you guys handled the situation pretty well. Great work! (By the way, "much" goes only with non-countable nouns, not countable nouns, i.e., so many tasks, not so much tasks.. ;))
